GOODNIGHT TONIGHT - Paul McCartney & Wings - 1979

GOODNIGHT TONIGHT - Paul McCartney & Wings - 1979

Goodnight Tonight è una canzone composta dall'ex-Beatle Paul McCartney registrata dagli Wings nel 1978 e pubblicata il 23 marzo del 1979 come lato A dell'omonimo singolo (il lato B fu Daytime Nightime Suffering) sia in Regno Unito che negli Stati Uniti.
La canzone non apparve tra i brani scelti per il progetto che la band stava affrontando, Back to the Egg, e venne poi inclusa nella riedizione del 1993 di McCartney II. Il brano appare anche come download digitale per iTunes incluso nella riedizione di Back to the Egg, come traccia numero 18.
Goodnight Tonight fu un successo internazionale, raggiungendo il 5º posto nella Billboard Hot 100 così come nella UK Singles Chart.
Don't get too tired for love
Don't let it end
Don't say goodnight to love
It may never be the same again

Don't say it, don't say it
Say anything but don't say
Goodnight tonight

Don't say it, don't say it
Say anything but don't say
Goodnight tonight

Don't say it, don't say it
You can say anything but don't say
Goodnight tonight

Don't say it, don't say it
Say anything but don't say
Goodnight tonight

Don't say it, don't say it
Say anything but don't say
Goodnight tonight

Don't get too tired for love
Don't let it end
Don't say goodnight to love
It's a feeling that may never end

Don't say it, don't say it
Say anything but don't say
Goodnight tonight

Don't say it, don't say it
Say anything but don't say
Goodnight tonight

Don't say it, don't say it
You can say anything but don't say
Goodnight tonight


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